Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I am really funny

apparently, based on this target audience's response, i need to try out for last comic standing 5 (hosted by bill belamy)...

Part 1

Part 2 (Shorter, but i'm still hilarious)

note: Did you notice that catch by B?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Nana in Decatur and Birthday Party!!!

We had a fairly busy day this past saturday. We started with a little family QT at piedmont park, then went to go see Nana at the Decatur Market, followed by a birthday party for Frida (the daughter of a girl I work with), and topped it off with a concert at the park (I actually skipped out on the concert, but had a great time at the pregame at our house. Stephanie enjoyed the concert so much that she enjoyed it all day sunday). Besides being on the edge of being bloody hot, it was a really fun day.

Apparently Brayden won't be a vegetarian like his daddy...

good times...

so you really didn't bring my sunglasses, that's gonna be a problem...

Gerber Baby? How about Honeysuckle Soap Baby...

Brayden absolutely LOVED the ball pitt (I could have taken this one a few diff. ways)...

Momma says Hold On!!!!

And away we go (notice the girl next to B checking out his high flying antics)!!!

What a swinger, and he never even dropped his ball...

Gearing up for Pop Warner Football, I wouldn't line up across from him (i think there are a few pics of pj, jeff and I floating around out there just like this)...

B's best Sly Stallone one-armed-pushup impression (cue the theme music from Rocky)...

No comment on this one...

Yeah....you're not really holding anything there champ...

kid loves to eat...

yes, he's saving those for later...

final warning, no more pictures during dinner...